Monday, April 5, 2010

Chemicals in our grooming products

I recently came across a website that offers an enormous depth of information relating to the chemicals present in cosmetics, lotions, etc....
Basically the grooming aids that we use daily.

We have all heard at least once that many of our favorite products contain chemicals that have been proven to promote toxicity and disease in our bodies. I have found it difficult to cut out my favorite products completely. I may have removed 40 %, which after looking at this site does not seem like enough. However, for now I am pleased that I have done that much!
The site is
It is a great way to educate yourself on the chemicals present in various brands of products. The best part is that it will help you understand WHY it is so important to stop using certain products. I think we need to understand WHY we need to change a habit, in order
to desire to change. Change is hard enough as it is.

My personal philosophy is to at least cut out some of the things I use often like body lotion. There are so many great options out there that are chemical free and still work amazingly well. The rest I will just approach with the "all things in moderation" mindset, until I can find
some new chemical free products to replace my favorite face cream and makeup.
I have been able cut out my nail polish!!
After reading this website that deletion seems like some sort of victory!
Apparently the chemicals in standard Nail polish are suspected to cause cancer and reproductive harm. Yikes! The good thing is there are some great products without those chemicals....some of which you can even buy at the drugstore. So, why bother with the chemically laden products. It's a no brainer.
I will post some of those products later.

To all of you who have successfully removed chemically laden products from your life, I say Congratulations as it is no easy task!

For the rest of us, knowledge is our best advocate in helping to create change.
Little by little, more and more companies will create naturally based products that don't have the potential to make us or our environment sick.
Therefore, our options will ultimately be plentiful and cost efficient.

For anyone looking to master your knowledge on how these chemicals effect us....
check out this book I just started reading.
It is called: SLOW DEATH BY RUBBER DUCK by Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie
"The secret dangers of everyday things"

It is extremely informative.
You can't help but become more aware after reading this book.

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