Monday, August 10, 2009

Know Where Your Food Comes From....

I just saw a movie that has inspired me to spread the word on the necessity of understanding the evolution of our food supplies. The movie is Food Inc. It will give you a snapshot of where your food is coming from and how it is produced. Not to mention the inside scoop on how few food companies dominate the food markets.

I read a quote in Variety referencing this movie that I think personifies the film....
"Does for the supermarket what 'Jaws' did for the beach." -John Anderson

Once you see the film you will understand this quote and you will walk away with a thirst for additional
knowledge and a desire to find ways to make a difference. At the very least everyone will start reading food labels more often and continue making smarter food choices. I personally will avoid all pork products from a particular company which will remain nameless on this blog.

You can to go the to the films website to find additional information and movie locations.

I hope you get as much out of it as I did.

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