Monday, March 9, 2009

CHIA Seeds!

If you have not already heard about these little seeds...let me introduce you to them!
Chia seeds are part of the mint family. They consist of 31% healthy fat, 16% protein and 44% carbohydrate (38% of which is fiber), and some antioxidants.
Most of the fat contained in the seeds are OMEGA 3 fatty acids which have been shown to regulate cholesterol and decrease inflammation in the body. Chia seeds increase HDL (your good cholesterol) and decrease triglycerides (blood fat content). Their best attribute is the fact that they are high in both soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber helps control cholesterol, while soluble fiber helps slow the breakdown and digestion of a carbohydrates. This helps keep your blood sugar steady which is always a good thing! Perfect for anyone with hypoglycemia or diabetes, or for anyone looking to maintain energy levels throughout the day. Oh, and adding extra fiber helps with weight loss.

Simply add a tablespoon or two into a smoothy or soup. I often just add 2 tablespoons with a bit of water and just down it before breakfast. Beware of adding it to your smoothies because it does expand and hold water... you may need to start with one tablespoon and add extra water.

I have found these seeds at Whole Food market and online at Try any health food store.

Plus, Dr Oz, on Oprah recommends these seeds and eats them daily! I'm in!

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